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如何写一篇优秀的 research proposal?英国留学生 pr

Proposal即开题报告,是留学生毕业论文中比较重要的一部分,但对于大部分同学来说都很苦恼,不知道如何给论文选题。 一个好的论文选题本身就能节省我们大量的时间,在说明毕业论文的proposal的写作方法之前,(111留学网https://www.111liuxue.com)先带大家来看一下它是什么,包含哪些部分。 简单来说,proposal就是论文写作的预演,具体包含以下部分: ● Introduction(简介) ● Problem Statement(问题陈述) ● Objective(目的) ● Literature Review(文献综述) ● Methodology(研究方法) ● References(参考文献) 接下来(111留学网https://www.111liuxue.com)就按顺序介绍这几个部分是什么以及如何写作。 1. Introduction(简介) Introduction这个部分相对简单,你只需要说明以下几个问题 你的研究领域是什么? 你为什么要选择这个领域? 你的研究对这个领域有多重要? 最后可能还需要描述这个领域的一些基本事实,这里你要引述其他研究人员的成果,举个例子: Ideally, these detailed schedules should reflect actual field conditions andprovide field personnel with operation instructions free of constraints andconflicts (Hinze,2008). 2. Problem Statement(问题陈述) 介绍完你的研究领域以后,现在需要描述在研究领域中你要解决的具体问题,不过你不能上来就说问题是什么。 下面我们用一个实例来说明: The importance of developing a constraint-free and reliable workplan has long been recognized by the industry.(业界早已认识到制定无限制且可靠的工作计划的重要性。) 在这个问题陈述中,作者并没有上来先说明问题,而是先肯定了某个对象在研究领域内的重要性: However, numerous construction projects are still plagued by delays and cost overruns, which can frequently be traced to ineffective identification and treatment ofconstraints.(但是,许多建设项目仍然受到延误和成本超支的困扰,这经常可以追溯到对约束的无效识别和处理) 然后话头一转,说明问题仍旧没有得到解决: In summary, thereis a need for a better understanding of constraints in construction and astructured approach in identifying and modeling constraints to ensure aconstraint-free work plan.(总而言之,有必要更好地理解施工中的限制因素并确定和建模约束的结构化方法,以确保无约束的工作计划。) 紧接着从两方面叙述了问题存在的原因,再叙述学术界长久以来对这个问题的观点,从而自然而然的引出待解决的问题。 有时候,我们也可以适当的把问题具体化,把问题分成几条,更清晰。 3. Objective(目的) 说明了待解决的问题,我们还要叙述我们的目的,目的实现后会达成什么状态、产生什么好处、解决什么问题? 同样以例子来说明: The long term goal of the research is to develop a formalizedconstraint management system. Constraint management is defined herein asthe process of identifying, classifying, modeling, and resolving constraints.The objective of the current study is to provide a comprehensive review ofliteratures and industry practices in relation to constraint analysis andoutline a conceptual framework for constraint management. Particularly, thestudy has the following sub-objectives: To provide a comprehensive review of sources and characteristicsof constraints typically found in construction projects; To develop a constraint classification method for easier constraintidentification and modeling; To review current industry practices and researches in regards toconstraint modeling; To outline a conceptual framework for total constraint management. The result of this study will be valuable to the industry practitioners as wellas related software providers in developing better practice and tools forconstraint management and look-ahead scheduling. 作者在这里先是叙述了研究的长期目标,这一步同学们有则写,没有的话就略过。 然后还对其中涉及的专业术语进行了解释,: Constraint management is defined herein asthe process of identifying, classifying, modeling, and resolving constraints.(约束管理在此定义为 识别,分类,建模和解决约束的过程。) 接着叙述研究目的: The objective of the current study is to provide a comprehensive review ofliteratures and industry practices in relation to constraint analysis andoutline a conceptual framework for constraint management.(本研究的目的是提供有关约束分析的文献和行业实践的全面综述,并概述约束管理的概念框架。) 这里作者也将整个目的分成了几个子目标,同学们同样可以借鉴,最后别忘了说明问题得到解决后会怎样。 4. Literature Review(文献综述) 文献综述,顾名思义就是对先前的有关研究做一个摘要,他们的研究对于问题的解决是否有帮助? 同样,以一个例子来说: A preliminary literature review shows that past studies are primarilyfocused on understanding and modeling a particular type of constraint, suchas technological, contractual, resource, spatial, and information constraints.Limited progress has been made on classifying various constraintsaccording to their characteristics in a comprehensive manner. In terms ofmodeling and resolving constraints, various approaches have beenrecommended. For example, many CPM-based methods are applied to dealwith time-related constraints; knowledge-based systems were used toautomate work plan generation; network-based optimization algorithmswere developed to resolve constraints; and databases and visualizationtechniques, such as 3D, 4D, and Virtual Reality (VR), are used tocommunicate and visualize constraints. What is missing from the paststudies is a comprehensive and structured approach in managing constraints. 作者一上来就对以前的文献进行了概述,然后还列举出了一些具体的方法,这些都是我们需要做的。 但重要的是后面,因为文献综述的目的不仅仅是对某一特定主题的大量期刊文章和书籍进行概述,更重要的是了解已经对该主题进行了哪些研究,然后找出其中未曾得到解决或者方法不完善的问题,我们的选题正是这些未曾解决的问题。 就像例子中的一样,作者表示以前的研究缺少的是一种综合的方法,这与之前的问题陈述部分形成对照。 What is missing from the past studies is a comprehensive and structured approach in managing constraints in construction projects.(过去的研究缺少的是一种用于管理建筑项目约束的综合,结构化的方法。) 5. Methodology(研究方法) 注意在研究方法部分,我们不是抽象的说明定性研究还是定量研究的问题,而是要说明具体的方法和步骤。 还是同一篇proposal为例: The primary research method for this study is literature review andconceptual modeling. Constraint identification and classification through astructured approach is the very first step toward a “zero-constraint”environment. This study will first review various types of constraints inconstruction and their characteristics. Based on this understanding, aclassification method will be developed to categorize constraint factors forthe purpose of constraint identification and modeling. In the second stage ofthis study, existing constraint modeling methods will be identified based ona comprehensive review of current industry practices and academicresearches. Finally, once the constraint classification and modelingtechniques are identified, a conceptual framework for total constraintmanagement will be outlined. This study will be conducted betweenSeptember 2010 and May 2011. 作者先概述了整个研究采用的方法:literature review and conceptual modeling(文献综述和概念建模)。然后分了三个阶段来叙述实验过程,这里我们可以根据需要分成不同个步骤叙述。 研究方法部分由于论文的不同,形式比较多样化,比如涉及到样本数据的研究,我们还需要叙述样本、数据收集以及数据分析程序的问题。建议大家参考采用相同方法的文献,看看其中的实验方法涉及到哪些步骤。 另外,视情况不同,有时候这里需要写上具体的时间安排。 6. References(参考文献) 参考文献部分,也是整篇proposal比较简单的一个部分,大家只要将其中提到的文献放上去即可,引用格式一般都是Harvard格式,关于Harvard格式学姐也会在后面的文章细说。 不同学校的引用格式具体可能有细微的不同,大家也可以去各自学校官网查看,这里学姐放上曼大的查询网站供大家参考:https://subjects.library.manchester.ac.uk/referencing/referencing-harvard 下方对于不同的引用对象都有规定,大家可以根据目录进行查看。 最后,在proposal的写作过程中,大家一定!一定!一定!要和自己的导师多进行沟通,尤其是选题部分,可以咨询导师topic是否合适。 (责任编辑:admin)